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My Story

Becky Jones: I want to share my story and how and why I got started in health and fitness. My mom at her heaviest was 600lbs and my dad had type 1 diabetes. Watching my parents struggle in there health had a real toll on me over the years. Watching my mom battle food addiction, depression, not being able to love herself and watching how people would treat her because of her weight. People can be very ruthless. Watching my dad have his own daily struggle ...trying to eat right, then taking 25 pills a day, shooting himself everyday with shots, fighting infection after infection in his body, dialysis 4 times a week for 4 hours or more, then losing a leg to diabetes and having to retrain himself to walk and everything else we do with two legs. Then preservering through 9 heart attacks and still fighting for his life to live and for us. He did not make after that last hear attack. He passed away 5 years ago. To this day he is my hero and strength. Even through all these struggles that I watched everyday my parents gave me there all and there personal best. I did not grow up with variety of veggies, fruit and lean meats. I was a fast food baby for sure. I still have my own fight with that one. I was fortunate enough though to be in sports I loved basketball. I know to this day that is what has saved my health. I played year round and even in college. With the ability to see what exercising does for you mentally and physically I always wanted to give people that gift. I had a deep desire to help people with there health. I got certified several years ago and decided to start a outdoor boot camp I put myself out there and followed my heart. I have grown over these last 6years and I love what I do. At the end of the day if I only help one person it is worth it to me. Even though I did not have the personal battle my parents had I can relate to the struggles very well I lived in it everyday. Rock Solid Fitness is more then a workout the vision is to help people transform from the inside out. To encourage people to get back up when they fail or want to quit. And to see everyone reach there full potential and live a healthy lifestyle. We are not a get quick lose weight program. Even if you only do a challenge with me once I hope I inspire to live for tomorrow not today. To see your future and want to live a full healthy life. I am thankful for everyone I have ever met through this journey and appreciate every single one of you. You all inspire me daily to keep going, to keep pushing and never give up. Thankful for what God has given me and the ability to do what I do. Also for my parents teaching me to preserver through the no's and to keep going. I never take my days for granted. Becky Jones 2016
Personal Biography:
Certified personal trainer, athletic field for 18 years, collegiate athlete, varsity athlete at Davis High School, chosen on an elite team to play basketball oversees at the age of 15, run half marathons, marathons, climbed Mt. Adams, obstacle course races & takes every challenge head on.  Always ready for the next adventure.  

On my off days I love spending time with my family and my husband. They are my pride and joy without them I don't know what I would do. They give me strength, love and joy to keep pushing everyday. To see the world with no limits; to keep pursuing the dream that God has placed on the inside of me.  






















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